IO5: Pilot events evaluation

The pilot test events of the GANYMED project aimed to collect feedback from the target group in order to validate the project materials, and to arrive at a final version of it, especially the e-learning platform.

The pilot events have been carried out in each of the countries of the consortium (Germany, Spain and Italy), The events have been carried out both in person and online, and started with the presentation of the GANYMED project, its objectives and results.

At the end of each pilot test event, the participants have filled in a questionnaire with questions about the realisation of the pilot, in addition to questions related to various aspects of the platform and a space at the end to make comments or suggestions. The results of this questionnaire are shown in the ‘Results’ section of the document. Besides, partners completed a document with general information and internal feedback received  during the pilot activities with the possible modifications and improvements that will be considered to be implemented in the platform.

IO5.A4 Pilot Evaluation – Final Report

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